100d 144f Намалюйце тэкстураваную пражу альбо дты палярны флис
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The front side of the fabric has a hair drawing process with pilling. The grains are fluffy and dense and not easy to shed; On the opposite side, the hair is sparse and symmetrical, the villi are short, the texture of the organization is clear, and the elasticity is good. Shaking fleece combines the advantages of softness and warmth. At present, the main component of shaking fleecy is polyester fiber (polyester), which has the advantages of high strength, good elasticity, good heat resistance, good wear resistance, good sunlight resistance, corrosion resistance, light weight, good warmth retention, and not afraid of enzyme decay. Another outstanding advantage is that it is easy to take care of and can be washed.
In addition, it can also be compounded with any other fabrics
Sometimes, some special process can be apply to the fabrics, such as the embossing process and carving process, to make the textile look more intense.
Умовы бізнесу з прадуктам
Мінімальная колькасць замовы: |
1000kg |
Упакоўка Падрабязнасці: |
Універсальны пластыкавы ўпаковачны пакет і трывалы папяровы стрыжань |
Тэрмін пастаўкі: |
Праз трыццаць пяць дзён пасля выплаты дэпазіту |
Умовы аплаты: |
Магчымасць пастаўкі: |
Сто тысяч тон плюс (дагаворна пра большае) |
100d 144f dty
хуткі Detail
FDY is an abbreviation of Fully drawn yarn, DTY is an abbreviation of Drawn-texturing yarn.
As a type of knitting textile, the fabric is first dyed, then brushed, carded, shearing, shaking pellet and other complex finishing processes.
канкурэнтныя перавагі
Мы з'яўляемся найбуйнейшым пастаўшчыком у рэгіёне, у нас ёсць поўная ланцужок паставак з велізарнай колькасцю фабрык для розных рамесных працэсаў.
Outfit (cloth)